Credits: Imagebank TextielMuseum
© Patty van den Elshout


︎ miriamsentler  



Miriam Sentler (b. 1994 in Germany, living and working between Norway and the Netherlands) is a contemporary artist and humanities researcher. Her projects often result in long research trajectories, taking shape in different mediums like installations, audio, textile, video, photography, artist publications, and text. Sentler's interdisciplinary work emphasizes the changing of landscapes, focussing on the cultural and environmental legacy of (fossil fuel) industries and the modern era. Through interdisciplinary projects and artist residencies, she deals with questions of belonging, myth-making, imagination, and sacrifice in different (post)industrial and maritime contexts. In the field, she collaborates with scientists and inhabitants next to always learning new skills affiliated with the landscape, thus embarking in a craft-oriented “correspondence” with human and non-human inhabitants. Sentler founded the interdisciplinary artistic research project Deep Time Agency together with Berlin-based visual artist Wouter Osterholt in 2020.

Recent exhibitions and presentations include: Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven (DE), Nieuwe Instituut Rotterdam (NL), Looiersgracht 60 Amsterdam (NL), BRUTUS Rotterdam (NL), RADIUS, Centre for Art & Ecology, Delft (NL), Textielmuseum Tilburg (NL), LVR Landesmuseum Bonn (DE), Museum Bommel van Dam Venlo (NL), Museum het Nieuwe Domein Sittard (NL), MKE Barcsay Hall Budapest (HU) and Art Rotterdam (NL). She was an artist in residence at USF Verftet Bergen (NO), Knockvologan Studies (UK), RAVI Liége (BE), Parco dell’ Appia Antica Rome (IT), Jester (formerly CIAP/FLACC) Genk (BE) and Gaada Shetland (UK).

Generously supported by the Mondriaan Fund & The Research Council of Norway

Education & Fellowships

2023-27 Ph.D. Research Fellow Petroculture Studies, University of Oslo (NO)
2018-20 r.MA Artistic Research, cum laude, University of Amsterdam (NL)
2017-18 Certificate, Goldsmiths University of Arts London (UK)
2012-16 BFA Fine Arts, cum laude, Academy of Fine Arts Maastricht (NL)


2023-24 Gaada, in collaboration with Pamflett Bergen (NO), Burra, Shetland Islands (UK)
2022-23 Jester (formerly: CIAP/FLACC) in collaboration with Emile van Dorenmuseum, Genk (BE)  
2021 USF Verftet, The United Sardine Factory, Bergen (NO)
2021 KNOCKvologan Studies, Isle of Mull, Inner Hebrides, Scotland (UK)
2019 Exploded View, Parco Regionale Dell’ Appia Antica, Rome (IT)
2018 RAVI, Résidences Ateliers Vivegnis International, Liége (BE)
2017 70º Arctic Island Residency, La Wayaka Current, Sápmi, Sørøya, Finnmark (NO)

2016 Overgangszone, ENCI Cement Factory, Maastricht (NL)

Exhibitions & Performances

*(G) group- and (S) solo exhibitions 

2024 (upcoming) Mining Myths (S), Museum het Nieuwe Domein, Sittard (NL)
2024 (upcoming) Overburden: On Extractivism and The Shape of Things To Come (G), Greylight Projects, Heerlen (NL)
2024 (current) Your Water Our Water, with Deep Time Agency (G) DELPHI, Art Quarter Budapest, and U10 Belgrade (DE, HU, RS)
2024 -162°C, 450 kg/m³, Fossil Energy, Fragile Futures (G) curator L. Reisner, Kunsthalle Willemshaven (DE)
2023-24 Secrets of Making #3 (G) curator D. Klijs, Textielmuseum, Tilburg (NL)

2023-24 The Forest Underground (G) Veldwerkers, C-Mine, Genk (BE)
2023-24 Brigdi Island (S), curator D. Clark & A. Gear, Gaada, Burra, Shetland (UK)
2023 Petromelancholia (G) curator A. Klose i.c.w. Goethe Institut, BRUTUS, Rotterdam (NL)
2023 CAIRBAN - A Contemporary Shark Hunt (S) Hvalsalen, Universitetsmuseet Naturhistorie, Bergen (NO)

2022 Archive Event VI: The Chase - Miriam Sentler (S) Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam (NL)
2022 Deep Time Agency (S) Gallery 3 - Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam (NL)
2022 Nieuwe Uitzichten (G) curator J. Vossebeld, Museum Bommel van Dam & Odapark, Venlo & Venray (NL)
2022 Climate of Concern (G) curator N. Lekkerkerk & S. Rusca, RADIUS CCA, Centre for Contemporary Art & Ecology, Delft (NL)
2022 Still Waters Run Deep (G) curator M. Augustijn, Nieuw Dakota Amsterdam (NL)
2022 Prospects, Art Rotterdam (G) curator J. Gustavsson, Van Nellefabriek, Rotterdam (NL)

2022 Ancestors Rising (G) curator R. Peters, LVR Landesmuseum - Tag der Archäologie, Aussenstelle Titz (DE)
2022 Exploded View (G) curator K. Clevis, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam (NL)
2021 CAIRBAN (G) curator L. Lax, Prøverommet, METEOR Performance Festival, Kulturhuset Bergen (NO)
2020 Ecotones - Bodies in Tension (G) curator M. Lanari, Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam (NL)
2020 Objets Trouvés/Verloren Voorwerpen (G) curator B. Puype, with Nowhere collective, various locations, Bruges (BE)
2020 Letters from the South (G) with Nowhere collective, The Wrong Biennale (WW)
2019 Exploded View (G) curator K. Clevis, MACRO Museum for Contemporary Art / Ex Cartiera Latina, Rome (IT)
2019 Fairshare: Publishing as Artistic Practice (G) curator A. Melzacka, CIAP Kunstverein, Hasselt (BE)
2019 Ten is for God (G) curator P. Albuquerque, Neverneverland, Amsterdam (NL)
2018 Elite 2018 (G) curator S. Maes & A. Melzacka, KRIEG Gallery, Hasselt (BE)
2018 Urban Storytelling: L'Art pour elkaar (G) curator J. Vossebeld, Bureau Europa, Maastricht (NL)
2018 Do you (G) organised by Nowhere CollectiveSB34 The Pool, Brussels (BE)
2018 Ouverture des Ateliers RAVI (G) curator F. Laixhai, RAVI, Liège (BE)
2017 Solastalgia (G) curator E. Kersten, AINSI, Maastricht (NL)
2017 Open studios (G) curator S. Iversen, La Wayaka Current Arctic Base, Sørøya (NO)
2017 Start Up: Slow Accident (G) curator P. Devens, Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam (NL)
2017 Marres Currents: Running Time (G) curator B. Hendrikx & B. Cueto, Marres, Maastricht (NL)
2017 Realities Revised (G) curator A. Melzacka, B32, Maastricht (NL)
2016 Young Masters (G) curator R. Boxman, Media Art Festival, Leeuwarden (NL)
2016 Fresh Cacao (G) curator J. Tullemans, de Cacaofabriek, Helmond (NL)
2016 Change of Perspective (G) curator J. Capra, Biennale L’image Possible - Galerie des Écuries, Liège (BE)
2016 Best of graduates 2016 (G) curator R. Vana, Gallery Ron Mandos, Amsterdam (NL)
2016 Overgangszone (G) curator K. Clevis, Artistic Research on the ENCI Marl Quarry, Maastricht (NL)
2016 Graduation Show Bachelor Fine Arts (G) curator P. Devens, Academy of Fine Arts, Maastricht (NL)
2016 U Turn (G) Apprentice Master, curator A. Szabo, MKE Barcsay Hall, Budapest (HU)

Commissioned Work in Public Space

2023 Ruigoord: Oase van Verwondering (G) curator I. Ruigrok, Ruigoord, Amsterdam (NL)
2022 Nieuwe Uitzichten (G) curator S. van Stein & J. Vossebeld, Museum Bommel van Dam & Odapark, Tegelen (NL)
2015 After Dark (S) Commissioned artwork in public space Waldeckpark, municipality of Maastricht (NL)

Grants, Awards & Nominations

2023-27 Research fellowship University of Oslo, funded by the Research Council of Norway (NO)
2023-27 Artist Basic Grant (FKA Stipendium for Established Artists), Mondriaan Fund, Amsterdam (NL)
2023 Project Grant, Stichting Stokroos, Hanzenfonds & BRUTUS Rotterdam for Mining Myths tapestry, Rotterdam (NL)
2022-23 Project Grant, Onderzoeks & Ontwikkelingssubsidie for the Forest Underground, CBK Rotterdam (NL)
2022-23 Project Grant, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, childrenbook Planktos Rising, Amsterdam (NL)
2022 Project Grant for Deep Time Agency - Nieuwe Instituut, Iona Stichting, Amsterdam (NL)
2022 Nomination C.o.C.A. Foundation Award, curated by Imke Ruigrok, Rotterdam (NL)
2022 Project Grant, Stichting Niemeijer Fonds, Concrete Reef - Deep Time Agency, Dordrecht (NL)
2022 Project Grant, BBK Neustart, Ancestors Rising - Deep Time Agency, Berlin (BE)
2021 Project Grant, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds/ Tijl Fonds - new work at TextielMuseum, Tilburg (NL)
2021 Project Grant, Stichting Stokroos - new work at TextielMuseum, Tilburg (NL)
2021 Project Grant, Gerbrandy Cultuurfonds - Knockvologan Studies Residency, Scotland (UK)
2020-21 Stipendium for Emerging Artists, Mondriaanfonds, mentorship with Justin Bennet, Rotterdam (NL)
2016 Nomination Young Blood Award - Gallery Ron Mandos, Amsterdam (NL)
2016 Nomination Henriëtte Hustinx Award - Faculty Prize Academy of Fine Arts Maastricht (NL)
2016 Nomination Young Master Award - Media Art Festival Friesland & AADK Spain (NL, ES)

Artist Talks, Presentations & Teaching

2024 (upcoming) How to Act on Oil, presentation for Metode #3, LIAF International Art Festival Lofoten (NO)
2024 Deep Time Matters with Miriam Sentler and Paulina Blaeslid, MATER Podcast, hosted by curator Maddie Rose Hills (UK/NL)
2024 Deep Time Agency, presentation at FenScan conference, Hyytiälä Forest Station, Finland (FI)
2024 How to Act on Oil, presentation for Metode #3, ROM for kunst og arkitektur, Oslo (NO)
2024 Translatability of Oil conference, presentation at University of Oslo (NL)
2024 Tales of the North Sea Oil City, Panel speaker at Petrocultures Conference, Los Angeles (USA)
2024 Reclaiming Myth, presentation at Creative Practice Research Group, Nordic Black Theatre, Oslo (NO)
2023 On Solastalgia and Lakes, BALATORIUM Ecological & Cultural Weekend, Örvényes (HU)
2023 A Bridge between Basking Sharks and Plankton Blooms, workshop, Gaada, Isle of Burra, Shetland (UK)
2023 Deep Time Agency in relation to the Viking windmills, artist talk, Gaada, Isle of Burra, Shetland (UK)
2023 Planktos Rising, round table presentation & artist talk during Bergen Art Book Fair, Kunsthall, Bergen (NO)
2023 Marl Matters core workshop, guest teaching with Elena Khurtova, ARiS minor, Maastricht Institute of Art (NL)
2023 GRIP: Speculative Urban Futures, organisors Brandon LaBelle & Bjørn Enge Bertelsen, Errant Bodies Press, Berlin (DE)
2023 An Afternoon Filled with Jester Artists, presenting the Forest Underground, Jester, C-Mine Genk (BE)
2022 Guest Teaching, Deep Time Agency, Minor Creative Research for Change, HKU, Utrecht (NL)
2022 Speaker, The History, Present & Future of the Environmental Humanities, ASCA & NICA, VOXPOP Amsterdam (NL)
2022 Presentation, geSCHICHTEN Rheinisches Revier, LVR Landesmuseum, Abtei Brauweiler (DE)
2022 Presentation, Ancestors Rising, Tag der Archäeologie, LVR Aussenstelle Titz (DE)

2022 Symposium, Sink or Swim, Vrije Universiteit, Environmental Humanities Center, Amsterdam (NL)
2022 Conference, Strukturwandel im Rheinischen Revier, Presentation, LVR- Kulturkonferenz, Brauweiler (DE)
2022 Artist Talk, Pilgrimage & Art on the Via Appia, Museum het Valkhof, Nijmegen (NL)
2022 Keynote, Artistic Research in Situ, Gerrit Rietveld Academy, UvA & Institute of Fine Arts Maastricht (NL)
2022 Guest Teaching, Minor: Artistic Research in Situ, Institute of Fine Arts Maastricht NL)
2022 Guest Teaching, Studio Dialogues, 4th year Fine Arts, Institute of Fine Arts Maastricht (NL)
2021 The Chase: An Auditive Walk & Artist Talk, CIAP Kunstverein, C Mine, Genk (BE)
2021 CAIRBAN - A Contemporary Shark Hunt, KNOCKvologan Studies, Scotland (UK)
2021 Seminar, Speculative Urban Futures, Natural History Museum Bergen, University of Bergen (NO)
2021 Guest Teaching, Art & Ecology, Professional International Practice, Royal Academy of the Haque (NL)
2021 Artist Talk, ARRG: Antonis Pittas and Miriam Sentler, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, UvA (NL)
2021 Guest Teaching, Landscape and Memory, 4th year Fine Arts, Institute of Fine Arts Maastricht (NL)
2020 Guest Teaching, Object, Material, Experiment, Master Art History, University of Amsterdam (NL)
2019 Artist Talk, Printing Plant Art Book Fair: with curator Mariam Zulfiqar, Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam (NL)
2019 Artist Talk, Exploded View, Janus Walk, MACRO, Museum for Contemporary Art, Rome (IT)
2019 Seminar, The Place of Memory and the Memory of Place, LCIR, University of Oxford (UK)
2019 Artist Talk, Fairshare: Building an Archive of a Disappearing Landscape, CIAP Kunstverein Hasselt (BE)
2018 Guest Teaching, Bricolage & Memory, 1st & 3rd year Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Maastricht (NL)
2018 Artist Talk, Artistic Research on the Via Appia Antica, Ex Cartiera Latina, Rome (IT)
2018 Artist Talk, Artistic Research & Archaeology, VU Archaeology, CLUE+, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL)
2017 Guest Teaching, Bricolage & Memory, 1st year Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Maastricht (NL)
2017 Guest Teaching, Overgangszone ArtLab, Natural History Museum Maastricht (NL)
2017 Artist Talk, Marres Currents #4: Running time, Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht (NL)

Art Collections

2024 Museum het Nieuwe Domein, Sittard (NL)
2023 Fine Art & Design Library KMD, Bergen (NO)
2022 Lekkerkerk/ RADIUS, Centre for Contemporary Art and Ecology, Delft (NL)

Selected Press 

2024 Deep Time Matters with Miriam Sentler and Paulina Blaeslid, MATER Podcast hosted by curator Maddie Rose Hills, online
2024 NDR Kultur, report, Wilhelmshaven: Fossile Energie Auf der Bühne und in der Kunsthalle, Jutta Przygoda, online, TV, radio
2023 Mister Motley, column, ‘Een zwarte drug: over hoe aardolie dwars door ons heen gaat, online & print
2023 Trouw, reportage, (...) ‘Petromelancholia’ toont de schoonheid en horror van het olietijdperk, online & print
2023 Marres House for Contemporary Culture, publication, Until we Meet Again: 10 Years of Currents, print
See All This Magazine, reportage, Pretty Brilliant Women in the Arts: Bernard Cultuurfonds presents, print
2022 MATER Platform, feature, Miriam Sentler: Deep Time Agency, edited by Madie Rose Hills, online
2022 Jester & FLACC, interview, Exploring the Underground Forest, online
2022 Metropolis M, review, Activistisch zijn zonder activistisch te ogen - een bezoek aan Radius, by Domeniek Ruyters, print
2022 Trouw, review, Van Vermeer-fans tot Shell-personeel: de doelgroep van het klimaatmuseum is breed, by Frank Straver, print
2022 Mondriaanfonds, Prospects 2022, catalogue, by Sarah van Binsbergen, print and online
2022 Lost Painters, review, Prospects - 2022, by Niek Hendrikx, online
2022 Kunstblijfteenraadsel, review, Prospects 2022 - Art Rotterdam, by Paul Voors, online
2022 Metropolis M, review, van groot naar klein: Prospects - Art Rotterdam 2022, by Joris van den Einden, online and print
2022 Trendbeheer, Review, Prospects 2022, by Niels Post, online
2022 Trendbeheer, Feature, Studio visit: Het Atelier van Miriam Sentler, by Najiba Brakkee, online
2022 Het Parool, Review, De geschiedenis afgraven met de blik van een kunstenaar, by Edo Dijksterhuis, online and print
2021 The Art of Swimming with Sharks. The Outdoor Swimming Society, October Edition, edited by Beth Pearson, London (UK)
2021 Hurrikan Press Glasgow, Publication, WAVE Zine, curated by Anna Tudos, print
2021 CLUE+, Publication, Exploded View: Art and Research on Layered Landscapes, ed. Gert-Jan Burgers, print
2020 Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender 2020, Publication, Trichis Books Breda, print
2019 Roma Aeterna Magazine, Publication, Exploded View, print
2019 Tubelight Magazine 111, Feature, De Overgang van Dorpen naar Meren, edited by Brenda Tempelaar, online and print
2019 Kunstblijfteenraadsel, Review, Op atelierbezoek bij Miriam Sentler, written by Paul Voors, online
2019 Metropolis M, Feature, Micro Art Initiatives #22: Nowhere, written by Lotte van Geijn, online and print
2018 Exhibition cataloque, Residences Ateliers Vivegnis International 2018, print
2018 RTC Tele Liége, TV Report, Portes Ouvertes Résidences Ateliers Ravi, online and tv
2017 Tique Art Paper, Feature, The Horrific History of Erik Thorvaldsson, edited by Welmer Keesmaat, online
2017 D!ng Art Magazine London, Feature, Four-year Anniversary Issue, curated by Jolien Dirix, online and print
2017 Exhibition cataloque, Marres Currents Running Time, written by Bas Hendrikx & Barbara Cueto, Marres Maastricht, print
2017 RTV Maastricht, K.i.M TV Report, B32: Realities Revised, online and tv
2016 SSBA Salon, Review, Ron Mandos: Best of Graduates 2016, written by Jorik Amit Galama, online
2016 Lost Painters, Review, Ron Mandos; Best of Graduates, written by Niek Hendrikx, online
2016 Lost Painters, Eindexamen expo ABK Maastricht, written by Niek Hendrikx, online
2015 GUP Magazine, Publication, New Dutch Photography Talent 2015, print

Essays & Other Academic Publications

2024 (upcoming) Currents: Regenerating Pasts for the Not Yet, Metode & Lofoten International Art Festival, Oslo & Svolvær (NO)
2023 Field Arts - Field Docket, Sonic Acts Press, edited by J. Diamanti & F. Carter, print, Amsterdam (NL)
2021 Exploded View: Art and Research on Layered Landscapes, CLUE+ Publication, print and online, Amsterdam (NL) and Rome (IT)
2020 Shifting Earth Archivers - Human and Non-Human Memory, Activism and Archiving in Relation to North-Rhine Westphalian Lignite Industry. Master Thesis, supervised by M. van Rijsingen and P. Albuquerque, 17.477 words, University of Amsterdam (NL)
2020 A Loveletter to Untilled by Pierre Huyghe. Love Letter to an Artwork, 24th of November 2020, online, Zurich (CH)
2019 Overgang van Dorpen naar Meren. Tubelight Magazine 111, edited by Brenda Tempelaar, online and print, Amsterdam (NL)
2019 Exploded View, Artistic Research on Layered LandscapesRoma Aeterna Magazine, Vol. 10.II, print, Amsterdam (NL)


2024-present Member Norwegian Researcher School in Environmental Humanities (NoRS-EH)(NO)
2023-present Member Translatability of Oil Project, University of Oslo (NO)
2020-present Founding member and director Deep Time Agency -

© Miriam Sentler 2024